Losses in Energy Generation

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation, «Ukrhydroenergo» has suffered a loss of up to 45% of generation at its hydroelectric power plants, as reported by the company’s general director Igor Syrota. The loss included practically losing DniproHES due to enemy forces launching 118 rockets at the hydroelectric power plants. Unfortunately, the international response to these attacks has been weak, according to Syrota.

Impact on Ukraine’s Energy Infrastructure

Following the massive shelling of energy infrastructure after March 22, 2024, Ukraine lost about 9 GW of capacity, as reported by the Ministry of Energy. This affected both the thermal power plants of the state company «Centrenergo» and the hydroelectric power plants of «Ukrhydroenergo.»

Electricity Supply Restrictions

As a result of the capacity deficit caused by shelling, the power system operator Ukrenergo started to limit power supply to industries from the beginning of May. By May 14, restrictions on electricity supply had also impacted residential consumers.