Some Ukrainians may incur gas debts, even with timely payment for services. Experts from «Donetskoblgaz» explained that the main reason is the incorrect transmission of gas meter readings.

Online Banking and Gas Bills

Many household gas consumers use online banking to pay utility bills, where they also indicate meter readings. However, this method does not transmit these readings to the GRM operator or gas supplier. As a result, calculations for gas consumed are made based on average values, leading to a difference between the actual amount paid and that billed by the company.

Recommendations for Consumers

«Online banking systems (for example, Privat24 or Oshad24) are not intended for transmitting meter readings. When paying gas bills, you enter the actual readings for which you pay. However, this data is not automatically transmitted to either the gas utility or the gas supplier,» warned experts from the gas company.

Gas workers recommend that consumers submit meter readings from the 1st to the 5th of each month through the services of the GRM operator or gas supplier to avoid misunderstandings when bills are generated based on actual consumption.