As July approaches, Ukrainians can expect a number of changes in key sectors of the economy. Specifically, starting from the first of July, they will face new electricity tariffs and increased excise taxes on fuel and tobacco products, which will affect the prices of goods. As for the dollar exchange rate, experts do not predict any significant changes.

Changes in Tariffs and Prices

According to Novini Pro, in July Ukrainians can expect the following changes in tariffs and prices:

Utility Tariffs

The National Commission for State Regulation of Energy and Public Utilities (NKREKP) has imposed a moratorium on raising tariffs in large cities, so residents of regional centers will not see any changes in the cost of water supply and wastewater disposal in July.

However, this ban does not apply to small towns, where local authorities have the right to independently review tariffs. Therefore, there is a possibility that water prices may increase in some areas. It is recommended to check the latest information on the official websites of local councils.

The cost of natural gas for household consumers will remain stable: Naftogaz Ukrainy’s clients will pay 7.96 UAH per cubic meter, while in other companies tariffs will range from 7.70 UAH to 9.90 UAH.