«Харківобленерго» explained

«Харківобленерго» explained why there is no simultaneous power outage for everyone in Kharkiv and why it may happen that there is no electricity in your house, while your neighbors have it.

Constant Russian shelling causes disruptions

Due to constant Russian shelling of the power grid in Kharkiv region, which causes new damages, energy workers have to occasionally disconnect certain lines to conduct emergency repair work.

Why your power is out while your neighbors have it

«If your power is out and your neighbors have it, it doesn’t mean we ‘forgot’ about you. This indicates that your houses are connected to different power lines, and currently, there is no possibility to provide simultaneous electricity supply to both houses. In addition, electrical equipment is designed for continuous operation. Frequent power outages and reconnections can cause additional damage and longer outages,» the company noted.

Schedule for power outages

There is a schedule for power outages in Kharkiv, but there are cases when the power is off longer than scheduled. This is due to additional restrictions on electricity supply imposed by «Kharkivoblenergo».