The head of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration, Oleg Synegubov, announced in his Telegram channel that a relevant decision was made at the Regional Defense Council. He emphasized that this decision only concerns the settlements in the Kharkiv, Bohodukhiv, and Izyum districts, which are located near the border with the Russian Federation. It was noted that 182 children are living in these areas. Evacuation routes have already been identified, and temporary accommodation for people has been reserved.

Previous Evacuations

During the fall, the Regional Defense Council announced the forced evacuation of families with children from the Kupyansk, Kondrashivka, and Kyrylivka communities in the Kupyansk district. In early March, it became known that mandatory evacuation of children with their parents from 18 settlements in the Velykoburlutska and Olkhivska territorial communities was introduced. Mandatory evacuation of residents from 57 settlements was also announced.

Potential Further Evacuations

Last week, Synegubov announced that the possibility of introducing forced evacuation from the Zolochiv direction is being considered.