Recruiting specialist Halyna Piskovska on Local Service

Recruiting specialist Halyna Piskovska revealed that people who turn to the recruiting center in Lviv mainly express a desire to serve locally, but there are not enough support positions available. Halyna Piskovska, a specialist in recruiting at the Lviv Regional Center, informed about this in a comment.

«Most people want to serve in Lviv and the region. However, it is difficult to implement this, as there are not enough support positions available. The priority today is to complete the units that are in the combat zone. Candidates want the permanent deployment point to be in Lviv or the region,» she said.

According to Piskovska, people most often look for positions that match their skills and abilities from civilian life. The most common requests are for UAV operator and IT army positions.

Approaching the Recruiting Center

According to the Lviv City Council, about 300 people have approached the recruiting center during the month.