A Rare Viking Sword Unearthed in Norway

A rare Viking sword was discovered by a farmer and his son on their farm in Suldal, Norway. According to a report by Успіх in UA, archaeologists are calling this find, likely the first of its kind in Rogaland. The municipality of Suldal is located in the northeastern part of Rogaland county.

Øivind Tvietane Lovra and his son were clearing a field on their family farm in Suldal when they accidentally stumbled upon this archaeological treasure. Lars Søgaard Sørensen and Kim Tunheim, two experienced archaeologists, had never encountered such a discovery before. After the man reported the find to the local council, archaeologists visited Lovra’s farm to study and process the discovery.

«The sword was the ultimate status symbol in the Viking era, and being allowed to carry a sword was a privilege. As archaeologists, we rarely get to experience something like this,» commented Lars Søgaard Sørensen from the county council.

The artistic inscriptions on the sword were revealed through X-ray photography by conservator Hege Hollund.