The Deadline for Updating Military Registration Data is Fast Approaching

The 60-day period allocated for updating military registration data for all military-aged citizens aged 18 to 60 in accordance with the new mobilization law will end very soon, on July 16.

Can You Update Your Data After July 16?

Many Ukrainians are interested in whether they will be able to update their data after this date without receiving a fine. On this issue, People’s Deputy of Ukraine from the «Servant of the People» faction Oleksandr Fedienko expressed his opinion on the air of «Kyiv 24», reported by 24 Channel.

«Those who did not manage to update their data before July 16 automatically fall under the risk of punitive sanctions as evaders. However, it should be emphasized that the territorial military commissariats must carry out the necessary legal procedures with each military conscript,» noted Fedienko.

According to him, the legislation provides for cases where administrative responsibility will not be imposed on individuals who did not update their data in time.

«Such people will be given the opportunity to come later and make the necessary corrections,» added the People’s Deputy.